- Uber
- Fox Point, WI
- 04-11-2024
Job Description
Side gig - Earn at least $1550 in your first 150 trips, guaranteed
Company: Uber
Job type: Gig, Part-time, Full-time, Seasonal, Hourly, Temporary
Salary: Guaranteed earnings for your first 150 trips with Uber
Sign up to drive with Uber today and start earning with guaranteed incentives. With flexible schedules and instant pay, Uber offers a seamless opportunity to boost your income. Take control of where and when you drive with 24/7 support at your fingertips. Start your journey with Uber now.
- 21 years old or older
- A 4-door vehicle
- A valid U.S. driver’s license and vehicle insurance
- At least one year of driving experience in the U.S. (3 years if under 23 years old)